Sleep with Kip Story Book | Slug Dad and Monster Mum
Help your child with early morning waking
Early morning waking can be exhausting for families. Some children just seem programmed to wake up early and are full of energy – not like mum and dad! This is a book to help you manage early morning waking in your child – i.e. waking before 6 am.
Early morning waking can be exhausting for families. Some children just seem programmed to wake up early and are full of energy – not like mum and dad! This is a book to help you manage early morning waking in your child – i.e. waking before 6am.
Make sure you are not ‘rewarding’ your child for early morning wakings. Rewards can include letting your child watch TV or use a computer – such activities can reinforce early morning waking, even if it seems like a good idea at the time for you to get more sleep.
When you are ready to tackle early morning waking, read this book with your child. Consider using good rewards (stickers, stamps) if your child can stay in their room until at least 6 am.